JANUARY 25, 2011 ---

I forgot something very important in my post a few minutes ago. I want to thank everyone for all your support while i've been here. Your prayers and financial contributions have sustained me; thank you to those who have also supported me emotionally through phone calls, skype calls, emails, and Facebook messages. You have no idea what it means to me when i get a message or post on my profile saying that you are thinking about and praying for me.

Please continue to pray; God is doing a new thing in me and is showing me what the next steps are for my life. Before i left, my parents and i prayed that by the time i came home i would know what God's plan was for the next little bit of my life. Now i believe i know how i will be spending the next 3 years for sure...

I've told a few of you, but for most of you this will be brand new information. Once i return home, i will be working until August comes around, then i will be entering college again. I really feel like God is leading me to go back to school to qualify and and work as an RN. I'm excited about this - i always wanted to do something that helped people and made their lives better. I got a taste of that last year working at the Educational Center for Autism, but i know now that that job is not something i want long-term. Nurses are always in demand, and nursing is something i can take overseas if i want.

So please pray that God will continue to open and close doors as He desires. Thank you for all you have done to guide me to where I am right now. You will never know how big a role you've played in my life....thanks!!!!

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