New Photos 1

October 13, 2010
Once again, i will do a photo update, but then i will also do a REAL didnt see that one coming did ya? A lot has happened since i last posted pics so i have to pick only the best of the best of the hundreds of photos i have here goes...

Our kids practicing their song for the Mid-Autumn Festival

The sight of kids gathering around an iPhone is not uncommon here too!!

I join friends at Hoan Keim Lake to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

Traffic is snarly around the lake because of the Festival

So glad i was walking and not driving this night!!! this is supposed to be an intersection...

The white spots in the air? Oh, that's just what i breathe every day....nasty huh?

Vacation time at Halong it!!!

I'm on the boat, headed to see a cave...

The boats here were so cool! So were the islands...

The pier at the island with the caves...

See, I was there!!! I have photographic proof!!

More to come....this post is getting long!!!!

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